I would like to extend my greetings to you in Christ.
This is my very first blog post ever. I figured, as I've stated in my greeting at the side, since I do a lot of thinking maybe I should do some writing too. Just to get my thoughts down in ink so to speak. I would greatly appreciate any feed back from everyone, for by this we learn and grow from one another. My disclaimer is though that I will not stray from any teaching from the Bible. The Bible is inerrant and infallible, the direct communication from God Himself to mankind. Every word is true, and should be read as such, and is thus the authority by which man is to live.
With that said, I try to filter all my assumptions and opinions through the Bible. I also examine all aspects of life on earth through the Bible as well.
For example, it is popular to believe that all religions are valid and true. If I examine this through the lens of Scripture I would find this supposed truth to actually be false. This is because God says that you shall have no other gods before Him.(Deu 5:7)Therefore proclaiming that the worship of any god but Him is God alone is evil, also that there are no other gods but Him who created the universe. (Is 44:24)
This is how our views of reality should be shaped.
Thank you for reading and your replies. May true and living God be with you and draw you near to Himself.
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