Hello everyone...(pause to hear the crickets chirping)...
I know it's been a very long time since my last article. There was no real reason for my absence other than I was just spending less time on the computer at home and more time with my family.
I am going to try to begin writing a little more now, not because I'm going to be spending less time with my family now, but because my job, with which God has blessed me, allows me to bring a laptop in my truck. So, I can write whilst I work and then transfer and post my article when I get home, thereby effectively killing two birds with one stone. I get to write while at work (and get paid for it ;D), and be with my family when I'm at home. Thank you Lord for your kindness. So if there is anyone who actually reads my ramblings, I hope to ramble on a little more frequently now. I also can't stress enough how much I like the idea of getting comments. Please, comment and let us get some conversations going.
way coool