I want to get straight to the point and ask you a few questions.
Do you believe that there is a "God", and if you do, do you care about knowing who He is and what His expectations are? Do you even think He has or should have any expectations?
My other questions are for my atheist friends or family (if I have any atheist friends or family). Why do you believe that there is no God. I want to also put on you the burden of proof. What evidence do you have proves there is no God?
I would love to get a conversation going with this. You don't have to worry, it is possible to have a civil talk about this. Let us reason together. I know the mind set these days is 'tolerance', which means anyone can believe whatever they want, and what you believe is true for you, and what I believe is true for me, just don't tell anyone they're wrong. This is called "post-modernism". Let me start by saying, ...that mind set is wrong.
Did I just say that.....Yes, yes, I did. I am willing to say that what some people believe is wrong. And that's o.k. I would welcome if anyone were to say it to me too if they did not believe what I believe. In fact, logically, it is more accurate to say that someone is wrong in what they believe, because truth by it's very definition is objective and exclusive. That means that something is either true or it's not. It's right or it's wrong.
I will be completely honest. Yes, I do want to convince you. All of you, to repent of your sin and surrender your lives in trust and faith to Jesus Christ for your salvation. I also believe that Jesus Christ is who He said He is; the only true God, in all the universe, and, all of the other religious beliefs in all the world are wrong.
Now, before you disown me, or say that you will never speak to me again, let me explain. My next post will tell you why.
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