Feb 20, 2010

A New Kind of Christianity Review by Tim Challies

There is within Christiandom a man who has quite a following. The problem is that for years this man has been confusing, allusive, and divisive about all things theological, in this false guise of humility. His prey; those who either don't have the Biblical knowledge to discern truth from what sounds true but just isn't quite right, and those who are too polite to say somebody is wrong and follow the Biblical command to mark those who cause dissension and avoid them (Rom 16:17-19), and those who were just looking for someone to finally come from within the Church and call into question the authority of Scripture and yet be able to maintain a standing within the Church.

(I guess the latter wouldn't really be 'prey' but rather divisive themselves yet too cowardly to come out with their false beliefs until someone else did first)

Many of you probably know that I'm talking about Brian McLaren. Brian McLaren has always set himself apart from modern conservative Christians with little pokes and jabs at orthodox teachings of the Scriptures, yet never actually giving in to explain what he is really saying.

Until now.

I don't as of yet have his new book, "A New Kind of Christianity" but I will soon. I will then put up quotes from his book which will show that he is finally drawing a line and showing everybody where his heresy stands.

Until then, here is a link to a very well know reveiwer of all books Christian ans those which claim to be "Christian", such as The Shack.

I hope you will read the review and see that Brian McLaren is a heretic and should be cast from the Church. He is dangerous and his teachings are evil.

Tim Challies - A New Kind of Christianity

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to also give a link to another comment about his book by a man named Darryl Dash. Many may know him from his column in Christian Week.
    In the past, my thoughts were that Darryl Dash was too friendly with the emergent church and not critical enough. His review on Amazon of McLaren's book however is not one of recommendation.
    I think he's still rather soft and still eludes at calling out McLaren as a heretic, but he does call out McLaren has not just trying to understand Christianity in truth, but trying to really change what the Bible says.

