Apr 22, 2011

have a blessed celebration of the resurrection of our Lord.

In the process of finding ways in which to have a more Christ centered celebration of Jesus Christ, my wife and I attanded a Messianic Seder meal last week. What a wonderful tradition. I know that we are not Jewish, but God Himself was the one who instituted this family meal.

The Old Testament is so filled with types and shadows which all point to the Messiah, who is Jesus Christ. The Passover and Seder are fine examples of this. The difference is that when celebrated with the revelation and knowledge of Jesus Christ it makes it that much more amazing.

If you have near you a Messianic Jewish Center or a Jews for Jesus Ministry, you should consider contacting them to find out more about this great tradition.

May God bless you all with a joyfull recollection of our Lord and Saviour's resurrection.

Enjoy this wonderful hymn.

Apr 12, 2011

Things to Come

So, here I am. I have come much further in the process of creating this whole Like a Thessalonian Ministry, and I have yet to actually go through my favourite book of the New Testament. 3 John.

Naaaa, I'm just joking, it's Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians.

I did a long time ago, explain how and where I received the inspiration for this ministry (click here to read it if you wish), but I've always planned on doing a verse by verse exposition of this fantastic letter by the Apostle Paul.

I just want to say preliminary, as we are going through 1 Thessalonians, I will also be writing articles for this website and adding them as I complete them. I will in all efforts try to have a new post up each week for us to read and ponder and discuss.

I look forward to questions and comments.

In everything by prayer
By the power of the Holy Spirit
In Jesus Christ the Lord of all
For the Glory of the Father

Ryan Banman