Apr 6, 2010

Essential Doctrine pt8 - Sola Scriptura

Sola Scriptura means that the Scriptures (the 66 books of the Bible) are the only authoritative source of God speaking to man. Nothing can be added nor taken away. And anything contrary is false.

The Scriptures alone are fully authoritative, infallible and inerrant, and completely sufficient. If you do not believe this then any conversation about God, about His will, about salvation, or about Jesus Christ, is going to be about as frustrating as a three legged dog trying to bury a bone on ice. It's not going to get any where.

And why would it? Because any common ground is lost, there is no longer any central reference point, it all comes down to your personal opinion. All of a sudden your reason and feelings become the source of what informs you of what is and is not true.

I have a hard time believing that any true Christian would deny the wholly inspired nature of the Holy Scriptures.

People will usually deny this when they find a passage of Scripture that they don't like, or one that would cause them to have to change the way that they live their lives. And because it's been proven time and time again that the Bible has not changed since it was written, beginning with Genesis (approx. 3500 yrs ago), to the New Testament (approx.2000yrs ago), I guess it's just easier for them to deny all together that the Scriptures are fake, or to say that the meaning is not true.

The sufficiency of the Bible is one of the strongest attacks that the Church is facing right now. Sadly, this attack is coming from those who call themselves Christians.
So many within the Church have compromised the word of God, and given in to the pressure of the world to deny the literal truth of the Word. The best example of this would be the denial of the creation of the world in 6 24 hour days approximately 6000 years ago(Gen 2:1-2). Another would be the fact that Jesus said that He is going to return to judge the world and condemn those who do not repent and trust in Him to eternal Hell (Matt 25:31-33,41).

If one does not believe that the Scriptures are fully inspired by God, then you do not trust God as He commands. The Bible says that God had inspired the writers of the Scriptures to write down exactly what He wanted to say, (1 Tim 3:16-17, 2 Pet 1:20-21). Why is it so difficult to believe that if God wields such awesome power that He can literally speak the entire universe into existence, why couldn't He preserve throughout history His words as they were spoken to the prophets and apostles?


  1. I enjoyed looking over your blog. I found your profile on another blog I follow and I added myself to follow you. You are more than welcome to visit my blog and become a follower if you want to. If I have posted this on your blog before please forgive me. Sometimes it ain't easy being an Old Geezer.

    God Bless You, Ron

  2. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. God bless, Lloyd

  3. If only men would allow the scriptures alone...we could win this world for Jesus.

  4. Hey guys, welcome to my blog. Thank you for your comments and signing up to follow. I'm so glad to have you here.

    Covnitkepr1, you said it. I'm reading Brian McLarens' "A new Kind of Christianity", and it's not surprising but it's sad to see such a popular figure as him deny the authority of the holy Scriptures. What makes it even more despairing is to see how so many people are following him.

    Thanks again for reading, and God bless.
    May the Word of the Lord sound forth! Be fruitful.
